Energy saving rules EnEV 2014
ENERGY SAVING REGULATION ENEV 2014 / Changes and effects on window technology
The Energy Saving Ordinance (abbreviation EnEV 2014) sets thermal insulation standards for residential and commercial buildings. With the 2014 EnEV changes, the legislature has tightened building requirements. The values required in the Ordinance must be respected when renovating existing buildings, as well as when constructing new buildings. As proof of compliance, the legislator requires an energy permit to be issued for each modernized or newly constructed building. EnEV 2014 replaces the data from the previously valid Ordinance on energy saving from 2009. years and there tightens regulations. From 1. May 2014 The new ordinance came into force on, and the most important changes in the new amendment to the Ordinance on energy saving relate to new construction projects implemented since 2016. year.
May 1, 2014 the new Ordinance on Energy Saving has entered into force. Basically, the regulation stipulates that for new construction projects of residential and non-residential buildings from 2016. year binding regulations. A prerequisite is the reduction of annual primary energy consumption and taking measures that significantly reduce energy consumption.
In short, the amendments to the Ordinance on energy saving stipulate that the energy values of the entire building from January 2016. in new construction projects decreased by about 25%. The change mainly applies to new construction. Since the Ordinance on energy saving from 2009. already included a clear tightening of the values of the guidelines for old buildings, and further tightening would not bring major changes, the legislator refuses to impose further values for existing buildings.
The aim of the amendment to the Ordinance on Energy Saving is to achieve standards on low energy consumption throughout the EU. Until 2021. year, the provisions will be gradually tightened.
In addition to the regulations for thermal insulation of the wall envelope that includes exterior walls, windows and doors, EnEV 2014 deals with the replacement of old boilers. In order to ensure compliance with the standards, the amendment also changed the regulations for the energy permit. The following applies:
- Mandatory label of energy values of the house or apartment in the ads for sale and rent.
- The application must contain the energy efficiency class if the energy efficiency certificate was issued after the entry into force of the Ordinance on Energy Saving 2014. and if it is a residential building.
- From now on, sellers and landlords are required to present an energy certificate during the visit. Customers or tenants must now receive an energy certificate in the original or in a copy (code).
- Owners of public buildings that are not subject to official use must clearly mark the energy certificate.
All Deceuninck windows are compliant with EnEV 2014 values. Find out more here.
While for new buildings no later than 1. January 2016 significantly stricter rules regarding annual primary energy consumption apply, amendments to the Energy Act 2014. does not change values for old buildings. Instead, EnEV 2009 values. must be respected when modernizing an old building. The Ordinance on energy saving enters into force for the renovation of old buildings:
- replaced parts,
- first installed,
- front or inner window, or
- replaced glass.
If the building is a residential building, the following value applies:
- Window: Uw value 1.3 W / m 2 K
For old non-residential buildings and whose average heating temperature does not exceed 19 degrees, the following value applies:
- Window: Uw value 1.9 W / m2 K
The legislator relatively clearly distinguishes between buildings belonging to residential and commercial buildings. The difference is recognized in the heating of buildings. Since it can be assumed that residential buildings will be heated more intensively, significantly stricter values are applied. However, changing the EnEV gives builders more choice. For example, currently erected residential and commercial buildings must comply with the 2009 EnEV provisions. year. If the application for the construction of a residential or commercial building is approved only after 1. May 2014, the provisions of EnEV 2014 apply. In the case of a new construction project, which is approved only from 1. January 2016, the provisions of the renewed EnEV 2014 must be complied with. This tightening means that the previous values have been reduced by a factor of 0.75 for reference buildings, and in particular for windows and balcony doors in buildings. Until January 1, 2016 The following provisions apply to windows, front doors and balcony doors in residential buildings:
Window profile
U w ≤ 1.3 W / m²K
Ud ≤ 1,8 W/m²K
Uw ≤ 1,6 W/m²K
Among the French doors are windows with a folding, folding, sliding or lifting mechanism.
Non-residential buildings
Values have also changed for non-residential buildings. And here is 1. January 2016 deadline for new construction projects. Any building erected after that date must conform to the new values. Because non-residential buildings are used for different purposes, the legislator divides buildings into two categories:
- buildings with a heating temperature of 19 degrees or more: U w limit: 1.3 W / m 2 K (starting from 1/1/2016 0.98 W / m 2 K)
- buildings whose heating temperature does not exceed 19 degrees: U w limit 1.9 W / m 2 K
From 1. January 2016, the requirements for the mean U-value were tightened for all transparent components in non-residential buildings. The change also applies to facades, skylights, glass roofs and roof lamps:
- Transparent components / wall facades – new value: U w limit: 1.5 W / m2 K
- Glass roofs, skylights, skylights – new value: U w limit: 2.5 W / m 2 K
At the same time, thermal insulation for the summer months must be taken into account in these buildings. Legal requirements of the Ordinance on energy saving 2014 arise from & sect; 4 EnEV 2014 and the above attachments.
Detailed information on U-values and their calculation can be found on our info page on U-values.
Until now, new construction projects did not have to be carried out according to stricter regulations. There is uncertainty among builders about which energy-saving regulations apply to a particular construction project. Basically, regulations are determined by receiving or approving a construction request.
If the request for construction was submitted before 30. April 2014 and if a decision has already been made, the regulations of the 2009 Energy Ordinance apply to builders. year. The same applies to construction requirements that have not yet been decided by 1. May 2014 If the application for construction has been submitted to the competent authority after 1. May 2014, the EnEV 2014 law will automatically come into force. However, the builders are left with one thing – to adhere to the requirements of the stricter EnEV 2014 and build a construction project based on it.
In the submission of construction requests that occurred only from 1. January 2016, EnEV 2014 is basically applied to existing buildings, as well as stricter provisions for new buildings.
Possible penalties and evidence
Stricter regulations of the Ordinance on energy saving especially apply to the provisions of the energy certificate. These must now basically be handed over to the tenant or buyer of the property as an original or a copy. Likewise, access to real estate ads is changing. The previous indication of the existence of an energy certificate is currently not sufficient, so now the ad must also contain reference numbers. In addition, the landlord or seller must ensure that the interested party can see the energy certificate during the tour.
Violations of the Energy Saving Ordinance that are revealed by non-compliance with the request for information in real estate advertisements are fined. Fines apply to landlords or owners who do not fulfill the obligation to submit an energy certificate. Depending on the seriousness of the legal violation, fines range between 5,000.00 and 50,000.00 EUR.
Further information and brochures on energy saving regulations can be found at code or our info page Deceuninck – Local Partners.